Tuesday, July 8, 2014

small stream action

Hi folks, Been chasing trout in small stream environments with the fly rods lately.  Great place for beginning fly anglers to start out their fly casting career.  Long cast are not required, mending a short line is easier, and the fish tend to be user friendly.  Water temperature on the brook I guided yesterday was 64 degrees and the water level was low.  A few morning showers but generally just over cast yesterday.  The trout were a bit tight yesterday morning and we located fish in a few pools.  It appeared that the spook factor was in place and with the low water levels the fish have moved around.  The fly of the day was #12 royal wulff.  Had two nice wild rainbows smash the dry as it was presented under a tree with lots of roots in a down stream drift.  We took a 10" wild brown on a #18 olive caddis nymph.  Tons of #18/#20 micro caddis hatching and as well as #8 stone fly shucks on rocks.  Off to chase trout in a small brook again this morning.  Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home.  Have Fun, Willy