Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hanging with the fish

Hi Folks, Been on the Lamoille the last two days teaching/guiding the art of fly fishing for trout.  Pretty amazing that the Lamoille is in the shape it is for July.  The water temperature yesterday morning at 7:00am was 63 degrees and the previous day at lunch time it was 65 degrees.  The level is still above the seasonal average flow.  The other thing that stands out is the lack of people on the water and it seemed that no one had been enjoying the water.  No sign of fishing pressure.  Lots of #16 olive caddis on the bottom of rocks, #8-#12 stone fly shucks on rocks on the shore line, and we saw a decent number #22 Trico spinners yesterday morning at 10:30am.  No rising fish.  This time of year on the Lamoille if not all the time, a olive/green caddis pupa #16-#20 will catch a trout.  In addition, a #16-#20 olive bodied x-caddis swung will draw lots of interest.  The last couple of days the trout we have landed all took a #16/#18 olive caddis pupa dead drifted and swung.  I love it as a dropper nymph below a #14 prince or a #12 double tungsten stone fly nymph.  All of the trout have looked pretty good that we have landed the last couple of days.  The high cool water suits them well.  Off to chase smallmouth this morning.  Damp humid morning, should be good.  Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home.  Have Fun, Willy