Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hi folks, Fly fished with guest on a lake last night from a canoe.  Still pretty darn hot out there.  We need rain big time!  Surface temperature on the lake we fished was 74 degrees with slight wind from the south/southwest.  Did see a few #14 and #22 cinnamon colored flying ants.  Lots of subtle rises from bass and perch in open water.  Had I been on a trout lake I would that it was a trout feeding on the surface.  We focused on sharp drop offs from shoreline with rock and rock face cliffs.  Add downed wood and the smallmouth were there to eat.  Patience was the key with popper.  Patience is the key to any fishing and the most difficult thing for people to exercise.  We would let the popper sit for upwards of 1 minute prior to drawing a strike.  Very slow subtle movements seemed to help draw interest.  A #8 chartreuse popper was the fly of the day.  Nothing large landed but we managed to put 7 bass in the boat.  The largest bass of the day was lost on the take due to impatience.  Always need to let the fish eat the fly on the surface prior to setting the hook.  Set to quickly and you miss the fish.  Off to chase river smallmouth this morning.  Another hot day in store. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home.  Have Fun, Willy