Thursday, September 25, 2014
fly fishing in Maine and Vermont
Hi Folks, Been away for several days fly fishing for Landlocked Salmon and large Brook trout in Western Maine in the Rangeley Lake Region. Returned yesterday to guiding in Vermont on the Lamoille for trout. Low water everywhere in New England currently. We really could use some rain. Beautiful country in Maine and really big dense woods. Lots of fly fishing history with famous water. Pretty refreshing to fish water that has been fly fishing only for wild and native fish for over 50 years. I am not aware of any water like that in Vermont. Had a great time catching some beautiful Salmon and Brookies in Maine. Yesterday, the Lamoille was really low and 57 degrees. We fished in the middle of the day under sunny skies. The fishing started out pretty slow as we were able to drew little interest nymph fishing. Around 3pm there was a decent hatch of #18 caddis and rising fish. The pod of wild rainbows were feeding in the film and eating the caddis pupa. We swung flies to trick the trout. The rig of the day was a #18 peacock caddis with a #18 caddis pupa dropper. The trick to detect the takes was to swing a tight line through the pool were the fish were rising and set on any jump in the fly line or when tension was felt. Pretty similar to how we fished in Maine, swinging flies. Not a bad afternoon on the water and rising fish are always welcomed. Off to fish for bass and pike today from the boat. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home. Have Fun, Willy