Saturday, June 1, 2013
hot, humid, and french fries
Hi Folks, Put a full day in yesterday with fly anglers chasing trout. Pretty incredible with the weather turn around from a week ago. Yesterday was really bright, hot, and muggy. Water temperatures were still very comfortable with temps. ranging from 58 degrees to 61 degrees. Water levels were still up on the big rivers and the small streams are in excellent shape. It is now time to fish either early in the morning or late in the day to avoid the bright sun and to enjoy some cooler water temperatures. We did not see much for hatches yesterday. In the early morning we fished some bigger water and tugged on stocked rainbows and even a decent smallmouth bass. We got the fish to eat heavily weighted #10 olive/back wooly buggers and #12 olive bead headed leech patterns. When the big river fishing slowed we moved to a shaded high elevation brook trout stream. We fished big attractor patterns like #10 royal stimulator and some crazy looking foam flies. Every pool we cast into held a brook trout. Problem being you had to sort through 20 3" to 5" french fries in order to catch one decent 6" to 9" trout. I like to level the playing field and use short 6' to 7' 2 weight and 3 weight rods fro this type of fishing. Awful lot of fun watching the beautiful square tails engulf a dry fly. Well, off to guide a small stream now and escape this damn heat. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home. Have Fun, Willy