Friday, May 20, 2011

lots of bugs

Hi Folks.  With all of the crazy weather I have been driving around and checking out rivers and streams.  The Lamoille was 56 degrees today at 11:00am above Morrisville.  The river is still above its seasonal average, but is clearing up fairly well.  I could see river bottom throughout the river.  There was an incredible number of egg laden #14 Hendrickson spinners this am dancing up and down the river.  Too bad the water was high.  Trout do not tend to expend unnecessary energy and are not generally going to rise in heavier flows.  I checked several back eddies where I have seen fish rise in the past and saw no takers.  Did see some #14 grannoms hatching as well as #14 little brown stoneflies.  Lots of thunderstorms about so watch out for lightening.  Off to fish for pike out of the boat.  Should be fun.  Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home.  Have Fun, Willy