Saturday, August 6, 2016
Dog days of August
Hi Folks, Been trying to stay cool with the guiding operation over the last few days. Truly the dog days of August right now. Did a full day yesterday in the boat with aspiring fly anglers and the previous day fly fished a small brook. In between guiding I had the chance to take my kids fishing which was good fun. The lake we fished yesterday was 78 to 80 degrees. I have never seen the water so warm in the 25 years I have fished this place. Not to mention the water is extremely low. We need sustained rain. The brook I was on was 59 degrees but extremely low and gin clear. Bass fishng yesterday with the fly rods was tough. We caught fish on the surface, but nothing too large. It was a day where a sinking line with a heavy fly would have been the method. The larger fish are holding in deeper water off the first significant drop from shore. 15' to 25' of water would be perfect. Tough to fish deep water with a fly rod and if you are learning really tough. Lake fishing with the fly forces the casting angler to learn how to haul the line and in particular double haul. Managing the fly as you recover it by stripping the fly back and then re-casting is all challenging stuff when learning to fly fish. Casting from a boat is certainly more tricky than from a standing position in a river. The small stream front has been good. The fish are ultra spooky, but still agreeable to eating a well presented dry fly. Still getting fish t eat #10-#14 stimulator, #12 royal wulff, and a #14 Ausable wulff. Paying attention to approach and making good accurate casts is the key. Had fun taking my 2 and 4 year old fishing for pan fish the other day. Keep it simple and short with kids. We caught pumpkin seeds and perch using a bobber with a small hook with some garden hackle. Good for kids to have the visual of the bobber. Pretty entertaining. I am off to chase river smallmouths this morning. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home. Have Fun, Willy